Vitamin D- What's the big deal?

Many people come into our clinic each and every day and ask if I have any recommendations on vitamins or supplements to take. Each patient has different needs, but there is one vitamin that I generally recommend- Vitamin D, also known as the "sunshine vitamin." Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because it can be naturally produced when you spend time out in the sun. You can also get vitamin D through your diet and supplements. 

What is the importance of Vitamin D?

Vitamin D does not just have one role in our body, it has many! Below are just a few

*Vitamin D maintains the health of our bones and teeth-- Calcium is a main building block of bone in our body, but in order for calcium to be absorbed vitamin D must be present. When you are deficient in vitamin D it can lead to osteoporosis or osteomalacia. In children a deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to rickets. 

*Vitamin D supports the health of our immune system, brain, and nervous system

    -Parents this is a big one -- In a study Children given 1,200 International Units of vitamin D per day for 4 months during the winter reduced their risk of influenza A infection by over 40%.

*Vitamin D is shown to help prevent Cancer 

    -Research suggests that sufficient vitamin D levels in adulthood may significantly reduce the risk for many types of cancer, including colon, breast, ovarian, and prostate. Vitamin D is one of the most potent inhibitors of cancer-cell growth, and reduces the risk of cancer by increasing calcium absorption and cell differentiation, while reducing metastasis (the spread of cancer from one organ to another).

*Vitamin D can help protect from cardiovascular disease

      -Individuals deficient in vitamin D are at an increased risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, sudden cardiac death, or heart failure.

* Vitamin D can help reduce the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes

    Type 2 diabetes can lead to devastating long-term complications, including nerve damage, heart disease, eye damage and vision loss, and kidney failure. 

How do I know If I am Deficient in Vitamin D?

Here are some signs that your body may be lacking Vitamin D.

*Frequent Illness or Infection

*Fatigue and Tiredness

*Bone and Back Pain


*Hair Loss

*Muscle Pain

If you have any additional questions about vitamin D and the benefits stop by our office or give us a call! We have Standard Process Cataplex D in the office so you can start taking it today!

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